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Research Supervision
- Supervision of PhD students (IUT) (Jan 2014 up to now):
- Experimental and Simulation study of Combination of smart water and surfactant flooding in Carbonate reservoirs for Enhanced oil recovery (2020)
- Experimental and Mathematical Investigation of Low Salinity Water Injection in Carbonate Oil Reservoirs for Enhancing Oil Recovery (2019)
- Consulting PhD students of Heriot-Watt University, UK (Jan 2012 up to now):
- Two- and three-phase flow functions for numerical simulation of EOR processes (2016)
- Accounting for viscous fingering in relative permeability estimation of special core analysis measurements (2017)
- Improved numerical simulation of non-thermal enhanced heavy oil recovery (2017)
- Up-scaling of flow functions from core scale to reservoir scale accounting the rock heterogeneity (since 2019: in progress)
- Supervision of MSc students (IUT) (Jan 2014 up to now):
- Investigation of Multiphase Flow in Petroleum Reservoir Rocks (Porous Media) and
- Water Alternating Gas (WAG) for Enhancing Oil Recovery (2016)
- Experimental Study of Low Salinity Spontaneous Imbibition for Enhanced Oil Recovery of Carbonate Reservoirs (2016)
- Scaling-up of The Laboratory Relative Permeability Data to Reservoir Scale (2017)
- Experimental Analysis on Impact of Nano-particles on Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs (2017)
- Averaging of Experimental Capillary Pressure Curves for Scaling up to Reservoir Scale in Spontaneous Imbibition Process (2018)
- classification of reservoir rock according to saturation function (2018)
- Experimental investigation of Smart water injection by optimizing ions content for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from carbonate oil reservoirs (2018)
- Experimental Evaluation of Wettability Alteration Mechanisms in Carbonate Reservoirs by Manipulation of Low Salinity Water Ions (2018)
- Feasibility Study of Flotation Method as a Wettability Alteration Determination Technique for Carbonate Rocks using Low-Salinity Water and Nanofluid (2018)
- Numerical modelling of Spontaneous imbibition process in fractured reservoirs in presence of nanoparticles (2019)
- The effect of modified nano-silica on the wettability alteration of the reservoir rock and CO2 storage in gas hydrates (2019)
- Investigating the effect of addition and interaction of silica nanoparticle to smart water on the wettability alteration of hydrocarbon reservoirs and enhancement of oil recovery (2019)
- Investigation laboratory and modeling of relative permeability hysteresis in carbonate rocks and assessment of current hysteresis models (2020)
- Investigation of Relative Permeability Hysteresis and Trapping of non-Wetting Phase using Pore Network Modeling (2020)
- Presenting a new method for classifying reservoir rock types based on dynamic parameters (2020)
- An experimental study sodium dodecyl-benzene sulfonate foam’s stability and its effect over dead-end pores and oil recovery (2020)
- Use of modified nanoparticles in preventing asphaltene precipitation and its stability in crude oil